The course structure is organized according to premises established at national and international levels for the scientific conservation practice.
Students deal with problems related to conservation and restoration by means of and interdisciplinary approach.
All the curricula (see below) offer classes in history of art, theory of conservation, scientific methods of investigation applied to art materials, degradation and decay of artefacts, materials for conservation, and others, for a total of 300 Credits in the five years. This corresponds to 7500 hours of study.
Practical activities account for at least 50% of the programme and take place both in specialized laboratories and on external sites (one to five Student / Faculty ratio).
In the restoration laboratories, different for each professional curriculum, students have the possibility of learning artists' techniques, observing the material forms and the ageing and decay of artwork. Finally they can experiment and test conservation approaches and real restoration practices.
Almost from the beginning the students are put in contact with real works of art, under the close guide of the professional restorers who are in charge of the different specialized laboratories. In these labs the students work in small groups with a ratio students /teacher one to five.
Restoration techniques and methods are studied in depth, with particular reference to conservation needs and motivations, so that restoration graduates can work with full independence and expertise, from the conservation/restoration project to the restoration work, and with high practical skills, feeling and manual ability.
The course is splitted into 5 CURRICULA, to give professional qualification into the following sectors:
- Stone materials and architectonic decorations
- Paintings on wood and canvas. Wooden sculptures. Wooden artefacts and furniture. Synthetic materials
- Textiles and leather
- Ceramics, glass, metals and alloys
- Book and Archive Materials - Paper and Parchment Artefacts - Photografic, Film, Digital Materials
The number of students who can enter the Master course is limited, due to strict requirements of laboratory space and the ratio students / teacher.
Every year the faculty board establishes the sectors to open, and the applicants must pass an ENTRANCE EXAMINATION aimed to ascertain their graphical skills, colour sensibility and cultural background.
Attendance is compulsory.