The CYXAC master's degree facilitates the processing of voluntary internships in different galleries, museums and institutions that provide complementary training to enrolled students. These internships are carried out in the centers themselves, with different hours and duration agreed between the university and the receiving entity, adapting to the availability of each center and the student body.
There are currently agreements with museums and art centers to carry out internships in their different departments (archives, collections, registry, exhibitions, conservation-restoration) as well as to colaborate with masterclasses and research such as the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, Artium Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Fundación Bilboarte, Laboral Kutxa, Tabakalera, Gordailua, Oteiza Museum, Balenciaga Museum, Azkuna Zentroa Bilbao, Itsasmuseoa, Consonni Cultural Association, Vanguardia Gallery (Bilbao), Brancas Escartín, My name is Lolita Gallery and Una+Una in (Madrid), among others .