Background image


Basic information
Name of programme (original language)
Cultural Heritage Area
Safeguarding and preservation
Programme description

The basic aim of the study programme is to train an expert who can independently perform technical work related to research in biology, microbiology and ecology, and is besides this able to understand the results of research in biomedicine, pharmacy, biotechnology and other fields requiring cytological, biochemical, molecular genetic or microbiological knowledge. In the continuation of the study, the graduate can be directly involved in all programmes in the field of biology and science and educational programs for biology teachers.

Is the programme a joint degree programme?
Double degree
Joint delivery
Qualification provider
Does the E&T programme lead to a formal qualification?
Name of the qualification (English)
Bachelor of Science in biology
Name of the qualification (Original language)
Diplomirani biolog (un)/diplomirana biologinja (un)
Education category (HE/VET/HE-VET)
Higher Education (HE)
Education format
Programme Type
Initial E&T
Academic degree
One time event or regular basis
Programme takes place on a regular basis
The programme starts every year in the autumn.
Last time it the programme took place (start date)
Number of annual graduates of the programme
Statistics / Formal status
Core function
Preservation and Safeguarding
ESCO - Occupation
2131 Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals
National Occupational Classification (NOC) in original language
2131-Biologi/biologinje, botaniki/botaničarke, zoologi/zoologinje ipd.
Does the programme lead to a regulated profession?
ISCED level of programme
""600 Bachelor's or equivalent level""
ISCED field
05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
Characterization of the E&T programme
Credit system
ECTS credits
Student work load (hours)
Contact hours
Study format
Are there access requirements?
Access requirements Description

Access to the academic study programme Biology is granted to candidates who have: 

  • completed the general matura or
  • completed the vocational matura in one of the following secondary school programmes: pharmaceutical technician, forestry technician, chemical technician, agricultural technician, laboratory technician, natural science/mathematical technician, nature conservation technician, environmental protection technician, pedagoška gimnazija (general secondary school programme with a teacher training focus) in the science/mathematics stream, laboratory biomedicine technician, nursing, veterinary technician or food science technician; and an examination in the matura subject of Biology; if the candidate has already passed this subject in the vocational matura, an examination in the matura subject of Chemistry of Physics; or
  • completed any four-year secondary school programme prior to 1 June 1995.

Admission to the programme is also granted to candidates who have completed equivalent education abroad, and who enrol under the same requirements which apply for candidates who completed their education in Slovenia. Prior to enrolment in the study programme they must complete the procedure for recognition of education for the purpose of further study.

Teaching language
Programme learning outcomes

The qualification holder will be able to:

(general competences)

  • develop an appropriate attitude towards nature and natural phenomena,
  • postulate, understand and creatively address problems, principles and theories,
  • think critically, analytically and synthetically,
  • demonstrate mastery of practical and general skills related to the field of work,
  • develop professional and ethical responsibility,
  • develop linguistic and numerical literacy,
  • use foreign technical language,
  • use information and communication technologies,
  • develop technical skills,

(subject-specific competences)

  • think scientifically,
  • demonstrate mastery of basic knowledge in the field of biology,
  • talk about general biological problems,
  • demonstrate mastery of specialist knowledge for jobs covering nature and living organisms in scientific, professional and educational institutions,
  • demonstrate proficiency in the fields of biology to an extent that enables the continuation of studies in the second cycle.


Is there a mandatory (external) practical training?
Mode of delivery of education / training
Required qualification of teachers/trainers in the core subjects

Teaching staff must provide proof of fulfilment of the quantitative and qualitative criteria for election to the title or recognition of the title in accordance with the criteria for election to the titles of professors, research assistants and assistants at the University of Ljubljana.

Quality assurance obligations of the programme/institution
Description of quality assurance obligations of the programme / institution

The system of quality at the University of Ljubljana (UL) is founded on valid standards, regulations and recommendations from the authorities responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education on the national and international levels. In accordance with the established standards, systems of quality are based on a closed feedback loop, with clear processes of identifying objectives and priorities, planning measures and operation, implementing planned activities and monitoring and evaluating activities and measures implemented, including an assessment of the effects, which serves as input information for a new cycle of planning.

With the aim of monitoring and improving the quality of study programmes, regular self-evaluation is carried out for each active study programme. Self-evaluation of study programmes serves to ensure the quality of programme provision, and to monitor the current relevance and sustainability of the individual study programme.

Tuition cost

Citizens of Member States of the European Union may be charged tuition fees (8.000,00 EUR per year) for full-time studies:

• if they have already obtained at least an equivalent level of education;
• if they want to change their study program and have previously repeated a year or changed their study program at the same level of study;
• foreign citizens from non-EU countries and countries with which Slovenia has not signed a bilateral agreement.

Are grants available?
Notes, comments

Available enrolment slots:

  • 70 slots for full-time study,
  • 2 slots for Slovenes without Slovene citizenship and foreigners and
  • 3 slots for parallel studies.