Background image

Greek language, literature and culture (double-discipline undergraduate programme)

Basic information
Name of programme (original language)
Grški jezik, književnost in kultura – dvopredmetni študijski program
Cultural Heritage Area
Safeguarding and preservation
Programme description

As part of the study programme, students acquire basic knowledge in the field of Greek language, literature and culture on a scale comparable to the programmes of Greek, classical philology or ancient studies at most European universities. They acquire the general competences of a humanistic intellectual as well as specific professional competences: mastering the Greek language with the ability to read more difficult texts in the original, understanding the history of Greek and its influence on modern languages, knowledge of Greek literature and culture, understanding the role played by ancient and later Greek literature and philosophy in European literature and culture from early humanism to the present. Graduates are familiar with the methods of philological analysis of texts and are able to understand and interpret individual literary and professional works in a historical context.They are able to use primary and secondary literature and professional manuals. They have the basic knowledge for independent work in the fields of research, literary translation, journalism, publishing, archival studies and other fields that require thorough and accurate work with text, and may also participate in related fields where a thorough knowledge of Greek and a basic knowledge of Latin are indispensable: archaeology and museology, history, art history, linguistics and literary studies.

Is the programme a joint degree programme?
Double degree
Joint delivery
Qualification provider
Does the E&T programme lead to a formal qualification?
Name of the qualification (English)
Bachelor of Arts in Greek language, literature and culture and ...
Name of the qualification (Original language)
Diplomant grškega jezika, književnosti in kulture (un) in …/diplomantka grškega jezika, književnosti in kulture (un) in …
Education category (HE/VET/HE-VET)
Higher Education (HE)
Education format
Programme Type
Initial E&T
Academic degree
One time event or regular basis
Programme takes place on a regular basis
The programme starts every year in the autumn
Statistics / Formal status
Core function
Engagement and use
Supplementary functions
ESCO - Occupation
2633 Philosophers, historians and political scientists
National Occupational Classification (NOC) in original language
2633 - Filozofi/filozofinje, zgodovinarji in politologi/zgodovinarke in politologinje
Does the programme lead to a regulated profession?
ISCED level of programme
""600 Bachelor's or equivalent level""
ISCED field
Arts and humanities
Characterization of the E&T programme
Credit system
Study format
Are there access requirements?
Access requirements Description

Admission to the first year of study programme Greek language, literature and culture (double-discipline undergraduate programme) shall be granted to candidates who have passed:

  • Matura or
  • vocational matura and an examination in one of the matura subjects; the selected subject may not be a subject which the candidate has already taken in the vocational matura; or
  • school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
Teaching language
Programme learning outcomes

The qualification holder will be able to: 

(general competences)

  • think in a logical, abstract, analytical and synthetic way,
  • participate in the addressing of technical issues,
  • demonstrate familiarity with basic research methods and transfer them creatively from one field to another,
  • integrate knowledge and skills acquired across the two disciplines and with other, different fields,
  • transfer own knowledge to other problem areas (ability to transfer) and address them in an intradisciplinary manner,
  • demonstrate flexibility when defining and addressing concrete issues as a result of knowledge of two specialist fields,
  • demonstrate a more comprehensive approach to recording and addressing problems,
  • use two different specialised discourses that enable clearer argumentation,
  • communicate on the basis of understanding of two perspectives, in a manner that facilitates successful inclusion in teamwork,
  • contextualise information from a double perspective,
  • respond more easily and more competently to new challenges and adapt to them and/or modify them, 
  • demonstrate a commitment to professional ethics and develop reflection on ethics, including in the wider social context,
  • collect bibliographic and other data from databases and other sources,
  • use ICT to find, select, process and present information,
  • participate in the assessment and quality assurance of own work,
  • develop and participate in the development of effective interpersonal relations,
  • constantly improve already acquired knowledge and show willingness to build on it,
  • read analytically,
  • critically evaluate and defend positions through arguments,
  • undertake self-reflection,
  • express themselves correctly and clearly in writing and orally,
  • give a well-argued presentation to a specialist audience,

(subject-specific competences)

  • read Greek literary, specialist and documentary texts,
  • demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the structure of the Greek language, its development and its influence on modern languages,
  • demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of ancient and medieval Greek literature,
  • use modern Greek at the level of reading comprehension and communication,
  • demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of ancient Greek history, culture and civilisation,
  • read simpler Latin texts using a dictionary and demonstrate familiarity with Latin literature,
  • use primary sources, critical apparatuses, commentaries, secondary literature and technical manuals in a critical manner,
  • use traditional and modern methods of textual analysis in a considered manner,
  • autonomously interpret Greek texts,
  • demonstrate critical understanding of the reception of ancient culture in various periods of the modern era and its presence in the contemporary world,
  • undertake autonomous professional activity in fields relating to research in Greek language, literature and culture,
  • autonomously write survey articles,
  • communicate and popularise Greek language, literature and culture,
  • undertake autonomous professional development in the field of Greek language, literature and culture.
Is there a mandatory (external) practical training?
Mode of delivery of education / training
Quality assurance obligations of the programme/institution
Description of quality assurance obligations of the programme / institution

The system of quality at the University of Ljubljana (UL) is founded on valid standards, regulations and recommendations from the authorities responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education on the national and international levels. In accordance with the established standards, systems of quality are based on a closed feedback loop, with clear processes of identifying objectives and priorities, planning measures and operation, implementing planned activities and monitoring and evaluating activities and measures implemented, including an assessment of the effects, which serves as input information for a new cycle of planning.

With the aim of monitoring and improving the quality of study programmes, regular self-evaluation is carried out for each active study programme. Self-evaluation of study programmes serves to ensure the quality of programme provision, and to monitor the current relevance and sustainability of the individual study programme.

Tuition cost

Citizens of Member States of the European Union may be charged tuition fees (3.000,00 EUR per year) for full-time studies:

• if they have already obtained at least an equivalent level of education;
• if they want to change their study program and have previously repeated a year or changed their study program at the same level of study;
• foreign citizens from non-EU countries and countries with which Slovenia has not signed a bilateral agreement.

Are grants available?