About us
The CHARTER database on cultural heritage education programmes in Europe is a central outcome of the Erasmus+ funded project CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance [insert link to CHARTER website]. It encompasses the whole range of education and training opportunities for the sector, providing in-depth information for students, educators, the CHARTER community and the public at large.
CHARTER aims to bring together and represents the whole range of the cultural heritage sector in Europe. We strive towards making apparent the value of cultural heritage and creating a resilient and responsive sector. We work towards creating a lasting, comprehensive strategy that will guarantee Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies.
The database has been designed for open usage by education providers, students, professionals, researchers and policy makers. Any education provider can create an account ( https://charter.visuelles.xyz/user/login?current=/user/register ) and submit education programmes which train future cultural heritage professionals.
We understand the term “programme” to describe any kind of education opportunity across all educational sectors (HE, VET), learning formats (formal, non-formal, informal) and types of education and training (initial education and training, continuing education and training). CHARTER covers all of these different educational dimensions, because CH education and training exist across all of them.
A two-step workflow ensures the quality of all newly entered programmes. They are vetted by national contact points and the database board for integrity, accurateness and consistency before they go online.
Find out more on the Charter Alliance Website