The master's degree in Digital and Public Humanities integrates humanities and IT disciplines and supports the promotion and dissemination of culture.
Students learn to become experts in the design, production and enhancement of web resources, experts in the digital management of cultural resources and experts in Public Humanities. Graduates will be able to hold positions of responsibility in activities connected to the service sector, the culture industry, cultural institutes and specific centres, such as specialised electronic publishing, the management, presentation and enhancement of cultural heritage and resources, intercultural activities and activities tied to user interaction through social media and social networks.
This course is taught entirely in English.
Specifically, the areas of study will include: computer science, linguistics and literature, history, law, arts, manuscript and archival studies. Lectures will be combined with practical laboratory activities in collaboration with the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities at the Department of Humanities. The course also includes 150 hours of internship to be completed in companies or external organisations and institutions, even abroad, which must provide students with professional and technical skills to be applied in the world of work and research.