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Master of Science - Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation

Basic information
Name of programme (original language)
M.Sc. Digitale Denkmaltechnologien
Cultural Heritage Area
Safeguarding and preservation
Dissemination and Communication
Programme description

Increasing digitalisation in the conservation of cultural heritage

Today, innovative methods of digitisation are being used in the preservation of historical monuments, museum studies and the protection of cultural assets. The digital recording of buildings and objects is now a standard part of heritage conservation alongside the monitoring of a building's condition with intelligent sensor systems. The goal is the digital synthesis of all data relevant to the heritage object. The Master's programme in Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation, which is unique in Germany, offers you an overview of both the capabilities and limitations of current technologies and those under development. It allows the possibility of acquiring in-depth knowledge in the application of such technologies in relevant areas. The programme thus responds to the need for professionals working at the interface of heritage conservation and technology. In four semesters, it leads to a second professional qualification with a broad application-oriented profile.

The degree programme prepares you for complex applications in the high-tech field of heritage conservation. The interdisciplinary team of lecturers, the variety of subjects on offer and the access to cutting-edge technical equipment guarantee a state-of-the-art education. The University of Bamberg and Coburg University of Applied Sciences enjoy an excellent reputation in heritage, object and engineering sciences as well as in application-oriented digital technologies.

Heterogeneous target group for this M.Sc.

The study programme Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation is aimed at Bachelor graduates (or those with a higher degree), in particular from courses in architecture, or civil engineering; in the field of heritage conservation and cultural property preservation and restoration; building preservation, building in existing contexts and building heritage; computer science and applied computer science, digital humanities, (digital) art history, archaeology, geography, surveying, archiving or interior design (Further information under Admission and Enrolment).

The study programme is organised for this very heterogeneous target group in such a way that, irrespective of their previous education, students can supplement their knowledge and fill in any missing basics via the diverse basic modules, whilst the selection of in-depth modules allows for specialisation in any desired area of interest.



The aim is to expand competences in a targeted manner, so that via interdisciplinary work and an understanding of the different subject cultures in the field of heritage conservation and cultural property preservation, graduates can achieve their full potential.

Topics and objectives of the study programme

The course aims to teach current methods of digital recording, archiving, analysis, monitoring, simulation, planning and communication in the field of architectural and archaeological heritage and cultural heritage protection, to explore the development potential of digital techniques and to further improve  their interdisciplinary networking potential.

Current issues regarding content design within heritage technologies and their integration into the digital humanities, as well as aspects of standardisation, sustainable data management, knowledge distribution, and above all networking, dissemination, and further development of the technical tools will be discussed.


The aim of the study aims to convey the theoretical and practical basics of digital heritage technologies as well as to develop critical evaluation, practical competence and the ability to develop object-oriented solutions. The focus is on the assessment of existing building stock, its properties and the related ageing behaviour of historic buildings and objects. In addition, you will develop an awareness of the significance of the cultural assets under consideration as knowledge repositories, historical sources, and components of regional identities.

Distinguishing features

The Master of Science Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation is an education specialised programme in digital technologies in heritage conservation with a high technical content that prepares students for complex applications in the high-end sector. The degree programme has been accredited since October 2019(735.0 KB).

From winter semester 2022/23, it will be possible to acquire the prerequisite for enrolment in the Institute of Architects in the Master's programme Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation.

The Master's programme in Denkmalpflege/Heritage Conservation, which is also run by the Department of Heritage Conservation Studies, is a Master of Arts (MA) programme that provides a broader range of specialist knowledge in the fields of historic conservation, building research and restoration sciences. (Acquisition of Institution eligibility is not possible in the M.A. Heritage Conservation Studies).

Is the programme a joint degree programme?
Double degree
Joint delivery
Joint delivery institutions
Does the E&T programme lead to a formal qualification?
Name of the qualification (English)
Master of Science
Name of the qualification (Original language)
Master of Science
Education category (HE/VET/HE-VET)
Higher Education (HE)
Education format
Programme Type
Continuing Education and Training (CET)
Academic degree
One time event or regular basis
Programme takes place on a regular basis
Each Winter Semester
Last time it the programme took place (start date)
Number of annual graduates of the programme
Statistics / Formal status
Core function
Preservation and Safeguarding
Characterization of the E&T programme
Credit system
ECTS credits
Study format
Full-time & part-time mixed
Are there access requirements?
Access requirements Description

Admission to the Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation Master's programme requires a university degree or an equivalent domestic or foreign degree with a standard period of study of at least six semesters, comprising 180 ECTS credits and an overall grade of 3.0 or better, in a related degree programme.

Related degree programmes include architecture, civil engineering and all degrees in the area of preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets, building restoration and conservation, building in existing contexts and building heritage, computer science and applied computer science, digital humanities, (digital) art history, archaeology, geography, surveying, archives or interior design. In individual cases, the examination board can decide whether a specific degree programme is considered to be related.

Teaching language
Programme learning outcomes


Qualification goals of the M.Sc. Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation

The M.Sc. Master's program Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation pursues the following objectives:

Qualification goals in brief: The Master's programme in Digital Monument Technologies with Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers research and application-oriented teaching. You can choose the modules flexibly, i.e. set your own specialist focal points.

The degree programme enables you to understand current surveying, engineering, heritage science and information technology approaches and concepts. Among other things, you will evaluate processes of technical building and damage recording as well as building condition analysis and then develop solutions. In doing so, you will learn (3D) recording, archiving, analysis, monitoring, simulation, planning and communication procedures in the field of heritage conservation and protection. You carry out application-oriented projects in practice, for which you use current technologies.

The interdisciplinary degree programme aims at digital transformation in heritage consrevation and cultural heritage protection. It qualifies you to take on highly technical tasks in heritage conservation, architecture, engineering, in the museum and archive sector as well as in research at home and abroad. You have the opportunity to acquire chamber eligibility for German architectural chambers.

    Scientific qualification

    • After completing specialist modules in the Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation (DTHC) programme, graduates will have acquired the expertise to engage with and critically analyse a wide range of relevant topics (comprising various surveying, analysis and imaging procedures, as well as computer science applications). 
    • In the programme’s lectures, seminars and practical application weeks, graduates will have actively applied a wide range of digital recording, monitoring, modelling, analysis, archiving and knowledge dissemination methods in the fields of heritage conservation and heritage protection, as well as in the field of construction in existing building stock. Graduates will be able to independently transfer their acquired knowledge to a broad spectrum of application areas and problems in practical engineering/construction as well as the archive and museum sector.
    • Graduates will be skilled in practically applying digital technologies and methods of heritage conservation to a minimum of three individually selected areas of specialisation. These include Structural Simulation: Digital Modelling and Structures, Digital Modellingand Building Information Modelling (BIM), Digital Technologies for Building Preservation Sciences, Building Physics Assessment and Refurbishment, Monitoring and Digital System Analysis, Informatics for Cultural Studies, Programming Course for Cultural Studies and Web Technologies for DTHC.
    • Master’s programme graduates will have further developed their academic profile and deepened their knowledge via the numerous combinations available when individually selecting modules. They will be able to carry out multi-perspective analyses, as learned from the cross-module analyses of buildings. One example is the Jakobikirche in Sangerhausen, which was digitally recorded in module M-DDT-V-3/M-DDT-P-3  (3D scan, tachymetry, analysis of structural damage) and statically analysed in module M-DDT-V-2/M-DDT-P-2.
    • The integration of courses from different academic departments and institutions (e.g. Faculty Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences, Heritage Conservation Studies, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts) enables graduates to work interdisciplinarily. Here, they also benefit from the networks and cooperative partnerships that many different institutions and subject areas maintain with both the Centre for Heritage Conservation Studies and Technologies (KDWT), and with the master’s degree programme in Heritage Conservation. This allows graduates to analyse and evaluate complex interdisciplinary aspects of heritage sciences at the intersection of building ownership and institutions, heritage conservation and the graduate as a service provider.
    • Upon completion of their studies, the writing of seminar papers and the master’s thesis will have prepared graduates to design a research project on a topic related to Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation, in which they discuss and apply acquired knowledge to a self-conceived question while employing and substantiating appropriate research methods.

    Ability to pursue a skilled occupation

    • Due to the international orientation of the programme and curriculum, and students’ participation in international conferences, field trips and summer schools, graduates are able to contribute to international expert discourse and are qualified to work on international projects or in international institutions and companies.
    • Regarding the current standards in heritage conservation, after completion of the programme (and particularly due to participation in practical weeks and excursions during which current topics in the field of heritage conservation are discussed and explained), graduates will be qualified to critically evaluate new technical workflows, compile these in a task-oriented and solution-oriented manner, and to develop their full range of application, sustainability and networking possibilities (for example, the integration of a Historic Building Information Modelling / H-BIM workflow into the management of existing buildings).
    • Based on their instruction in new digital procedures, graduates will be able to independently and critically evaluate new scientific methods as well as developmental prospects and problems in digital heritage technologies. They will be able to discuss these in an interdisciplinary manner and to develop new approaches to solving specific problems. As a result, graduates contribute to the integration of technological processes into heritage conservation and cultural asset protection.
    • Graduates will have learnt to transfer knowledge acquired in the programme to various fields of practical application. This is achieved through knowledge exchange and transfer in both studies and teaching. Examples include visits to the Bamberg State Archives (in M-DDT-GL-7), the practical week at the Islamic Museum/Bumiller Collection or the Natural History Museum (M-DDT-GL-6 und M-DDT-GL-12), a visit to the cathedral office of Bamberg Cathedral (M-DDT-V-5) or establishing contact with medium-sized businesses in the region, such as the Bamberg stonemasons’ workshop (M-DDT-GL-6).

    Personal development

    • By participating in lectures, seminars and practical application weeks, graduates become acquainted with the theoretical and practical foundations of Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation and will be able to make critical assessments.
    • By presenting their own approaches and research questions in individual seminar papers and the master's thesis, graduates will have sharpened their academic profile and will be able to devise object-oriented problem-solving approaches and plan their own projects.
    • Depending on the completed bachelor's degree programme, the programme’s module combination options provide students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in line with personal needs and adapt it to different educational pathways. At the same time, our interdisciplinary orientation enables graduates to change their perspective and to access and appreciate other specialist fields.
    • In the Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation programme, participants benefit from both our continuously growing regional network and from programme-relevant collaborations. The master’s programme provides graduates with the skills needed to work independently and cooperatively, to create an efficiently structured working environment and to acquire new knowledge and new methods in a self-organised and goal-oriented manner.
    • Graduates will be adept at developing plans, devising implementation steps, working towards common goals and assuming responsibility in a team.
    • Graduates will be able to discuss topics from the field of Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation both on an academic level and in a way that is comprehensible to a heterogeneous (lay) audience.
    • Graduates will be able to assess their own abilities and will have developed a professional self-image.
    • The focus of the programme is the assessment of the existing building stock, its material properties and the associated ageing behaviour of historical buildings and other heritage objects. Additionally, graduates will know the significance of the cultural assets as knowledge stores, historical sources and components of regional identities. Using their expertise, they will be able to explain this significance and actively contribute to a fruitful dialogue in the broader society.
    • Graduates will be able to make scientifically sound decisions in the field of Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation both responsibly and in the democratic public spirit, and thus contribute to the protection of cultural assets.
    Mode of delivery of education / training
    Quality assurance obligations of the programme/institution